Thursday, September 01, 2005


Summer is coming to an end and all the children are returning back to school....

The summer has been freaking hot which was verified with my electrical bill bring 100 % bigger then usual. But what can I do. The house needed to be kept cool as there is one in the oven .. so to speak.

I start off with the best intentions with writing this. Thought me studying for the CISSP would motivate me to keep my thoughts on paper but alas, I let it go for the summer.

One thing that I would like to say is that Katrina hit the US gulf coast this week and there are reports of thousands dead. I have the utmost sympathy for them but I ask myself what were this people thinking. A Cat 5 hurricane is bearing down on a city 10 below sea level and you thought to stick around. I heard of a story on CNN that mentioned a pregant woman needed to swim to help to get medicine for here 5 year old and went into labour. The new baby is fine (so I heard) but the women has no idea where her 5 year old is. This really bothered me!!

No one can stand up to the fury of Mother Nature.

Hopefully more to come,

PS> for those still wondering I have not yet writen the CISSP.